Janvier 2022, comme le temps passe… La bibliothèque HOA fonctionne encore à peu près pour Max et Pure Data, mais…

Le CICM est  heureux de  vous annoncer qu’HOA est intégrée  à abclib ! Le monde d’après, c’est avec FAUST !

January 2022, how time flies... The HOA library still pretty much works for Max and Pure Data, but...

The CICM is happy to announce that HOA is integrated into abclib! The next world is with FAUST!


Sound space is one of the first dimensions of the contemporary musical thought, specialy in the electroacoustic music domain but also in intermedia arts. In this context, the CICM has made of the spatialization its main research axis. This projects « La spatialisation du son par les musiciens pour les musiciens »« Des Interfaces pour la mise en espace du son » and “HOA 3D” developed as a part of the LABEX Arts H2H aims to give spatialization models based on high order ambisonics to musicians and graphical interfaces to facilitate the manipulation of signal processing. It takes place between the MSH Paris-Nord and the plate-forme Arts-Sciences-Technologies. Project partners have been Louis-LumièreGRAME, the Muse en Circuit, the University of Montréal, the ZKM,  IRCAM and the GMEA.


HOA Library allows musicians and composers to synthesize, transform and render sound fields in a creative and artistic way. This library facilitates the understanding and the appropriation of key concepts of ambisonics. Thanks to original graphical interfaces a lot of new signal processings are allowed like diffuse sound field synthesis, perspective distorsion or spatial filtering.


HOA library is open-source and free and offers a set of C++ and FAUST classes and implementation for Max, PureData and Unity.